   * Transform an URI accessible from the server into a URI accessible from the client. The mapping
   * expires with the session.
   * @param propertyContext context to obtain session
   * @param uri server URI to transform
   * @param filename file name
   * @param contentType type of the content referred to by the URI, or null if unknown
   * @param lastModified last modification timestamp
   * @return client URI
  public static String proxyURI(
      PropertyContext propertyContext,
      String uri,
      String filename,
      String contentType,
      long lastModified) {

    // Create a digest, so that for a given URI we always get the same key
    final String digest = SecureUtils.digestString(uri, "MD5", "hex");

    // Get session
    final ExternalContext externalContext =
        (ExternalContext) propertyContext.getAttribute(PipelineContext.EXTERNAL_CONTEXT);
    final ExternalContext.Session session =
            true); // NOTE: We force session creation here. Should we? What's the alternative?

    if (session != null) {
      // Store mapping into session
              DYNAMIC_RESOURCES_SESSION_KEY + digest,
              new DynamicResource(uri, filename, contentType, -1, lastModified));

    // Rewrite new URI to absolute path without the context
    return DYNAMIC_RESOURCES_PATH + digest;