  * Returns a tooltip showing the distribution of priorities for this container.
  * @return a tooltip showing the distribution of priorities
 public String getToolTip() {
   StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
   String separator = " - ";
   for (Priority priority : Priority.values()) {
     if (hasAnnotations(priority)) {
   return StringUtils.removeEnd(message.toString(), separator);
 /** Initializes the transient mappings. */
 private void initialize() {
   annotationsByPriority = new EnumMap<Priority, Set<FileAnnotation>>(Priority.class);
   for (Priority priority : Priority.values()) {
     annotationsByPriority.put(priority, new HashSet<FileAnnotation>());
   annotationsByCategory = new HashMap<String, Set<FileAnnotation>>();
   annotationsByType = new HashMap<String, Set<FileAnnotation>>();
   filesByName = new HashMap<String, WorkspaceFile>();
   packagesByName = new HashMap<String, JavaPackage>();
   modulesByName = new HashMap<String, MavenModule>();
   filesByHashCode = new HashMap<Integer, WorkspaceFile>();
   packagesByHashCode = new HashMap<Integer, JavaPackage>();
   modulesByHashCode = new HashMap<Integer, MavenModule>();
   categoriesByHashCode = new HashMap<Integer, Set<FileAnnotation>>();
   typesByHashCode = new HashMap<Integer, Set<FileAnnotation>>();
Beispiel #3
 public QOSRule(String rule) throws DataFormatException {
   final int NUMBER_OF_FIELDS = 11;
   if (rule.contains(">")) throw new DataFormatException("rule cannot contain '>' delimiter.");
   String[] fields = rule.split("<");
   if (fields.length != NUMBER_OF_FIELDS)
     throw new DataFormatException(
         "rule does not have " + NUMBER_OF_FIELDS + " fields, it has " + fields.length);
   try {
     _addressType = AddressType.values()[Integer.parseInt(fields[0])];
     _address = fields[1];
     _protocol = Integer.parseInt(fields[2]);
     _portType = PortType.valueOf(fields[3]);
     _port = fields[4];
     _string1 = fields[5];
     _string2 = fields[6];
     _string3 = fields[7];
     _string4 = fields[8];
     _priority = Priority.values()[Integer.parseInt(fields[9]) + 1];
     _comment = fields[10];
   } catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
     throw new DataFormatException("A number was incorrectly formatted: " + ex.getMessage());
  * Returns the priority of the request, if it was changed.
  * @return The new priority of the request, or {@link Priority#unknown} if the priority was not
  *     changed
 public Priority getPriority() {
   return Priority.values()[
       FcpUtils.safeParseInt(getField("PriorityClass"), Priority.unknown.ordinal())];
Beispiel #5
 public Priority[] getPriorities() {
   return Priority.values();