private int secondarySort(int compareInt, IAEItemStack o1, IAEItemStack o2) { if (compareInt == 0) { return Platform.getItemDisplayName(o2) .compareToIgnoreCase(Platform.getItemDisplayName(o1)); } return compareInt; }
@Override public boolean onPartActivate(EntityPlayer p, Vec3 pos) { if (p.isSneaking()) { return false; } if (Platform.isServer()) { Platform.openGUI(p, this.getTileEntity(), this.side, GuiBridge.GUI_INTERFACE); } return true; }
@Override public boolean isSlotEnabled(final int idx) { if (idx == 1) { return Platform.isServer() ? !this.getPatternTerminal().isCraftingRecipe() : !this.isCraftingMode(); } else if (idx == 2) { return Platform.isServer() ? this.getPatternTerminal().isCraftingRecipe() : this.isCraftingMode(); } else { return false; } }
private void recalculatePlan() { this.reboot = true; if (this.forcePlan) { return; } final ItemStack is = this.inv.getStackInSlot(10); if (is != null && is.getItem() instanceof ItemEncodedPattern) { if (!Platform.isSameItem(is, this.myPattern)) { final World w = this.getWorldObj(); final ItemEncodedPattern iep = (ItemEncodedPattern) is.getItem(); final ICraftingPatternDetails ph = iep.getPatternForItem(is, w); if (ph != null && ph.isCraftable()) { this.progress = 0; this.myPattern = is; this.myPlan = ph; } } } else { this.progress = 0; this.forcePlan = false; this.myPlan = null; this.myPattern = null; this.pushDirection = ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN; } this.updateSleepiness(); }
@Override public IConfigManager getConfigManager() { if (Platform.isServer()) { return this.serverCM; } return this.clientCM; }
@Override public void setInternal(IMEInventory<T> i) { if (this.monitor != null) { this.monitor.removeListener(this); } this.monitor = null; IItemList<T> before = this.getInternal() == null ? : this.getInternal() .getAvailableItems(new ItemListIgnoreCrafting(; super.setInternal(i); if (i instanceof IMEMonitor) { this.monitor = (IMEMonitor<T>) i; } IItemList<T> after = this.getInternal() == null ? : this.getInternal() .getAvailableItems(new ItemListIgnoreCrafting(; if (this.monitor != null) { this.monitor.addListener(this, this.monitor); } Platform.postListChanges(before, after, this, this.changeSource); }
private void addToENet() { if (IntegrationRegistry.INSTANCE.isEnabled(IntegrationType.IC2)) { IIC2 ic2Integration = (IIC2) IntegrationRegistry.INSTANCE.getInstance(IntegrationType.IC2); if (!this.isInIC2 && Platform.isServer() && ic2Integration != null) { ic2Integration.addToEnergyNet(this); this.isInIC2 = true; } } }
@Override public void invalidate() { if (Platform.isClient()) { return; }"Released Ticket " + this.ct.toString()); ForgeChunkManager.releaseTicket(this.ct); }
private void removeFromENet() { if (IntegrationRegistry.INSTANCE.isEnabled(IntegrationType.IC2)) { IIC2 ic2Integration = (IIC2) IntegrationRegistry.INSTANCE.getInstance(IntegrationType.IC2); if (this.isInIC2 && Platform.isServer() && ic2Integration != null) { ic2Integration.removeFromEnergyNet(this); this.isInIC2 = false; } } }
@Override public void securityBreak() { if ( > 0) { List<ItemStack> items = new ArrayList<ItemStack>(); items.add(;, false); Platform.spawnDrops( this.tile.getWorldObj(), this.tile.xCoord, this.tile.yCoord, this.tile.zCoord, items); = 0; } }
@Override public void detectAndSendChanges() { super.detectAndSendChanges(); if (Platform.isServer()) { if (this.isCraftingMode() != this.getPatternTerminal().isCraftingRecipe()) { this.setCraftingMode(this.getPatternTerminal().isCraftingRecipe()); this.updateOrderOfOutputSlots(); } this.substitute = this.patternTerminal.isSubstitution(); } }
@Override public void detectAndSendChanges() { this.verifyPermissions(SecurityPermissions.BUILD, false); if (Platform.isServer()) { this.rsMode = (RedstoneMode) this.upgradeable.getConfigManager().getSetting(Settings.REDSTONE_CONTROLLED); } this.craftProgress = this.tma.getCraftingProgress(); this.standardDetectAndSendChanges(); }
@Override public ItemStack getDisplayStack() { if (Platform.isClient()) { final ItemStack is = super.getStack(); if (is != null && is.getItem() instanceof ItemEncodedPattern) { final ItemEncodedPattern iep = (ItemEncodedPattern) is.getItem(); final ItemStack out = iep.getOutput(is); if (out != null) { return out; } } } return super.getStack(); }
@Override public void detectAndSendChanges() { super.detectAndSendChanges(); if (!this.wirelessTerminalGUIObject.rangeCheck()) { if (Platform.isServer() && this.isContainerValid) { this.getPlayerInv().player.addChatMessage(PlayerMessages.OutOfRange.get()); } this.isContainerValid = false; } else { this.powerMultiplier = AEConfig.instance.wireless_getDrainRate(this.wirelessTerminalGUIObject.getRange()); } }
@Override public void onSlotChange(final Slot s) { if (s == this.patternSlotOUT && Platform.isServer()) { for (final Object crafter : this.crafters) { final ICrafting icrafting = (ICrafting) crafter; for (final Object g : this.inventorySlots) { if (g instanceof OptionalSlotFake || g instanceof SlotFakeCraftingMatrix) { final Slot sri = (Slot) g; icrafting.sendSlotContents(this, sri.slotNumber, sri.getStack()); } } ((EntityPlayerMP) icrafting).isChangingQuantityOnly = false; } this.detectAndSendChanges(); } }
void initTicket() { if (Platform.isClient()) { return; } this.ct = ForgeChunkManager.requestTicket(AppEng.instance(), this.worldObj, Type.NORMAL); if (this.ct == null) { MinecraftServer server = FMLCommonHandler.instance().getMinecraftServerInstance(); if (server != null) { List<EntityPlayerMP> pl = server.getConfigurationManager().playerEntityList; for (EntityPlayerMP p : pl) { p.addChatMessage(new ChatComponentText("Can't chunk load..")); } } return; }"New Ticket " + this.ct.toString()); ForgeChunkManager.forceChunk( this.ct, new ChunkCoordIntPair(this.xCoord >> 4, this.zCoord >> 4)); }
@Override @SideOnly(Side.CLIENT) public void addCheckedInformation( ItemStack itemStack, EntityPlayer player, List<String> toolTip, boolean advancedTooltips) { final NBTTagCompound tag = itemStack.getTagCompound(); double internalCurrentPower = 0; double internalMaxPower = this.getMaxEnergyCapacity(); if (tag != null) { internalCurrentPower = tag.getDouble("internalCurrentPower"); } final double percent = internalCurrentPower / internalMaxPower; toolTip.add( GuiText.StoredEnergy.getLocal() + ':' + MessageFormat.format(" {0,number,#} ", internalCurrentPower) + Platform.gui_localize(PowerUnits.AE.unlocalizedName) + " - " + MessageFormat.format(" {0,number,#.##%} ", percent)); }
public void queueInventory(final ICrafting c) { if (Platform.isServer() && c instanceof EntityPlayer && this.monitor != null) { try { PacketMEInventoryUpdate piu = new PacketMEInventoryUpdate(); final IItemList<IAEItemStack> monitorCache = this.monitor.getStorageList(); for (final IAEItemStack send : monitorCache) { try { piu.appendItem(send); } catch (final BufferOverflowException boe) { NetworkHandler.instance.sendTo(piu, (EntityPlayerMP) c); piu = new PacketMEInventoryUpdate(); piu.appendItem(send); } } NetworkHandler.instance.sendTo(piu, (EntityPlayerMP) c); } catch (final IOException e) { AELog.error(e); } } }
public void craftOrGetItem(final PacketPatternSlot packetPatternSlot) { if (packetPatternSlot.slotItem != null && this.getCellInventory() != null) { final IAEItemStack out = packetPatternSlot.slotItem.copy(); InventoryAdaptor inv = new AdaptorPlayerHand(this.getPlayerInv().player); final InventoryAdaptor playerInv = InventoryAdaptor.getAdaptor(this.getPlayerInv().player, ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN); if (packetPatternSlot.shift) { inv = playerInv; } if (inv.simulateAdd(out.getItemStack()) != null) { return; } final IAEItemStack extracted = Platform.poweredExtraction( this.getPowerSource(), this.getCellInventory(), out, this.getActionSource()); final EntityPlayer p = this.getPlayerInv().player; if (extracted != null) { inv.addItems(extracted.getItemStack()); if (p instanceof EntityPlayerMP) { this.updateHeld((EntityPlayerMP) p); } this.detectAndSendChanges(); return; } final InventoryCrafting ic = new InventoryCrafting(new ContainerNull(), 3, 3); final InventoryCrafting real = new InventoryCrafting(new ContainerNull(), 3, 3); for (int x = 0; x < 9; x++) { ic.setInventorySlotContents( x, packetPatternSlot.pattern[x] == null ? null : packetPatternSlot.pattern[x].getItemStack()); } final IRecipe r = Platform.findMatchingRecipe(ic, p.worldObj); if (r == null) { return; } final IMEMonitor<IAEItemStack> storage = this.getPatternTerminal().getItemInventory(); final IItemList<IAEItemStack> all = storage.getStorageList(); final ItemStack is = r.getCraftingResult(ic); for (int x = 0; x < ic.getSizeInventory(); x++) { if (ic.getStackInSlot(x) != null) { final ItemStack pulled = Platform.extractItemsByRecipe( this.getPowerSource(), this.getActionSource(), storage, p.worldObj, r, is, ic, ic.getStackInSlot(x), x, all, Actionable.MODULATE, ItemViewCell.createFilter(this.getViewCells())); real.setInventorySlotContents(x, pulled); } } final IRecipe rr = Platform.findMatchingRecipe(real, p.worldObj); if (rr == r && Platform.isSameItemPrecise(rr.getCraftingResult(real), is)) { final SlotCrafting sc = new SlotCrafting(p, real, this.cOut, 0, 0, 0); sc.onPickupFromSlot(p, is); for (int x = 0; x < real.getSizeInventory(); x++) { final ItemStack failed = playerInv.addItems(real.getStackInSlot(x)); if (failed != null) { p.dropPlayerItemWithRandomChoice(failed, false); } } inv.addItems(is); if (p instanceof EntityPlayerMP) { this.updateHeld((EntityPlayerMP) p); } this.detectAndSendChanges(); } else { for (int x = 0; x < real.getSizeInventory(); x++) { final ItemStack failed = real.getStackInSlot(x); if (failed != null) { this.getCellInventory() .injectItems( AEItemStack.create(failed), Actionable.MODULATE, new MachineSource(this.getPatternTerminal())); } } } } }
@Override public void fillWithRain(final World w, final int x, final int y, final int z) { if (Platform.isServer()) { w.setBlock(x, y, z, Platform.AIR_BLOCK, 0, 3); } }
protected ContainerMEMonitorable( final InventoryPlayer ip, final ITerminalHost monitorable, final boolean bindInventory) { super( ip, monitorable instanceof TileEntity ? (TileEntity) monitorable : null, monitorable instanceof IPart ? (IPart) monitorable : null); = monitorable; this.clientCM = new ConfigManager(this); this.clientCM.registerSetting(Settings.SORT_BY, SortOrder.NAME); this.clientCM.registerSetting(Settings.VIEW_MODE, ViewItems.ALL); this.clientCM.registerSetting(Settings.SORT_DIRECTION, SortDir.ASCENDING); if (Platform.isServer()) { this.serverCM = monitorable.getConfigManager(); this.monitor = monitorable.getItemInventory(); if (this.monitor != null) { this.monitor.addListener(this, null); this.cellInv = this.monitor; if (monitorable instanceof IPortableCell) { this.powerSrc = (IEnergySource) monitorable; } else if (monitorable instanceof IMEChest) { this.powerSrc = (IEnergySource) monitorable; } else if (monitorable instanceof IGridHost) { final IGridNode node = ((IGridHost) monitorable).getGridNode(ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN); if (node != null) { this.networkNode = node; final IGrid g = node.getGrid(); if (g != null) { this.powerSrc = new ChannelPowerSrc( this.networkNode, (IEnergySource) g.getCache(IEnergyGrid.class)); } } } } else { this.isContainerValid = false; } } else { this.monitor = null; } this.canAccessViewCells = false; if (monitorable instanceof IViewCellStorage) { for (int y = 0; y < 5; y++) { this.cellView[y] = new SlotRestrictedInput( SlotRestrictedInput.PlacableItemType.VIEW_CELL, ((IViewCellStorage) monitorable).getViewCellStorage(), y, 206, y * 18 + 8, this.invPlayer); this.cellView[y].allowEdit = this.canAccessViewCells; this.addSlotToContainer(this.cellView[y]); } } if (bindInventory) { this.bindPlayerInventory(ip, 0, 0); } }
private void setInternal(ItemStack is, double amt) { final NBTTagCompound nbt = Platform.openNbtData(is); nbt.setDouble("internalCurrentPower", amt); }
@Override public void detectAndSendChanges() { if (Platform.isServer()) { if (this.monitor != { this.isContainerValid = false; } for (final Settings set : this.serverCM.getSettings()) { final Enum<?> sideLocal = this.serverCM.getSetting(set); final Enum<?> sideRemote = this.clientCM.getSetting(set); if (sideLocal != sideRemote) { this.clientCM.putSetting(set, sideLocal); for (final Object crafter : this.crafters) { try { NetworkHandler.instance.sendTo( new PacketValueConfig(,, (EntityPlayerMP) crafter); } catch (final IOException e) { AELog.error(e); } } } } if (!this.items.isEmpty()) { try { final IItemList<IAEItemStack> monitorCache = this.monitor.getStorageList(); final PacketMEInventoryUpdate piu = new PacketMEInventoryUpdate(); for (final IAEItemStack is : this.items) { final IAEItemStack send = monitorCache.findPrecise(is); if (send == null) { is.setStackSize(0); piu.appendItem(is); } else { piu.appendItem(send); } } if (!piu.isEmpty()) { this.items.resetStatus(); for (final Object c : this.crafters) { if (c instanceof EntityPlayer) { NetworkHandler.instance.sendTo(piu, (EntityPlayerMP) c); } } } } catch (final IOException e) { AELog.error(e); } } this.updatePowerStatus(); final boolean oldAccessible = this.canAccessViewCells; this.canAccessViewCells = this.hasAccess(SecurityPermissions.BUILD, false); if (this.canAccessViewCells != oldAccessible) { for (int y = 0; y < 5; y++) { if (this.cellView[y] != null) { this.cellView[y].allowEdit = this.canAccessViewCells; } } } super.detectAndSendChanges(); } }
@Override public void markDirty() { this.writeToNBT(Platform.openNbtData(, "upgrades"); }
public CellUpgrades(final ItemStack is, final int upgrades) { super(is, null, upgrades); = is; this.readFromNBT(Platform.openNbtData(is), "upgrades"); }
private double getInternal(ItemStack is) { final NBTTagCompound nbt = Platform.openNbtData(is); return nbt.getDouble("internalCurrentPower"); }
@Override public TickRateModulation tickingRequest(final IGridNode node, int ticksSinceLastCall) { if (this.inv.getStackInSlot(9) != null) { this.pushOut(this.inv.getStackInSlot(9)); // did it eject? if (this.inv.getStackInSlot(9) == null) { this.markDirty(); } this.ejectHeldItems(); this.updateSleepiness(); this.progress = 0; return this.isAwake ? TickRateModulation.IDLE : TickRateModulation.SLEEP; } if (this.myPlan == null) { this.updateSleepiness(); return TickRateModulation.SLEEP; } if (this.reboot) { ticksSinceLastCall = 1; } if (!this.isAwake) { return TickRateModulation.SLEEP; } this.reboot = false; int speed = 10; switch (this.upgrades.getInstalledUpgrades(Upgrades.SPEED)) { case 0: this.progress += this.userPower(ticksSinceLastCall, speed = 10, 1.0); break; case 1: this.progress += this.userPower(ticksSinceLastCall, speed = 13, 1.3); break; case 2: this.progress += this.userPower(ticksSinceLastCall, speed = 17, 1.7); break; case 3: this.progress += this.userPower(ticksSinceLastCall, speed = 20, 2.0); break; case 4: this.progress += this.userPower(ticksSinceLastCall, speed = 25, 2.5); break; case 5: this.progress += this.userPower(ticksSinceLastCall, speed = 50, 5.0); break; } if (this.progress >= 100) { for (int x = 0; x < this.craftingInv.getSizeInventory(); x++) { this.craftingInv.setInventorySlotContents(x, this.inv.getStackInSlot(x)); } this.progress = 0; final ItemStack output = this.myPlan.getOutput(this.craftingInv, this.getWorldObj()); if (output != null) { FMLCommonHandler.instance() .firePlayerCraftingEvent( Platform.getPlayer((WorldServer) this.getWorldObj()), output, this.craftingInv); this.pushOut(output.copy()); for (int x = 0; x < this.craftingInv.getSizeInventory(); x++) { this.inv.setInventorySlotContents( x, Platform.getContainerItem(this.craftingInv.getStackInSlot(x))); } if (this.inv.getStackInSlot(10) == null) { this.forcePlan = false; this.myPlan = null; this.pushDirection = ForgeDirection.UNKNOWN; } this.ejectHeldItems(); try { final TargetPoint where = new TargetPoint( this.worldObj.provider.dimensionId, this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord, 32); final IAEItemStack item = AEItemStack.create(output); NetworkHandler.instance.sendToAllAround( new PacketAssemblerAnimation( this.xCoord, this.yCoord, this.zCoord, (byte) speed, item), where); } catch (final IOException e) { // ;P } this.markDirty(); this.updateSleepiness(); return this.isAwake ? TickRateModulation.IDLE : TickRateModulation.SLEEP; } } return TickRateModulation.FASTER; }
@Override public void serverPacketData(INetworkInfo manager, AppEngPacket packet, EntityPlayer player) { EntityPlayerMP pmp = (EntityPlayerMP) player; Container con = pmp.openContainer; if (con instanceof IContainerCraftingPacket) { IContainerCraftingPacket cct = (IContainerCraftingPacket) con; IGridNode node = cct.getNetworkNode(); if (node != null) { IGrid grid = node.getGrid(); if (grid == null) { return; } IStorageGrid inv = grid.getCache(IStorageGrid.class); IEnergyGrid energy = grid.getCache(IEnergyGrid.class); ISecurityGrid security = grid.getCache(ISecurityGrid.class); IInventory craftMatrix = cct.getInventoryByName("crafting"); IInventory playerInventory = cct.getInventoryByName("player"); Actionable realForFake = cct.useRealItems() ? Actionable.MODULATE : Actionable.SIMULATE; if (inv != null && this.recipe != null && security != null) { InventoryCrafting testInv = new InventoryCrafting(new ContainerNull(), 3, 3); for (int x = 0; x < 9; x++) { if (this.recipe[x] != null && this.recipe[x].length > 0) { testInv.setInventorySlotContents(x, this.recipe[x][0]); } } IRecipe r = Platform.findMatchingRecipe(testInv, pmp.worldObj); if (r != null && security.hasPermission(player, SecurityPermissions.EXTRACT)) { ItemStack is = r.getCraftingResult(testInv); if (is != null) { IMEMonitor<IAEItemStack> storage = inv.getItemInventory(); IItemList all = storage.getStorageList(); IPartitionList<IAEItemStack> filter = ItemViewCell.createFilter(cct.getViewCells()); for (int x = 0; x < craftMatrix.getSizeInventory(); x++) { ItemStack patternItem = testInv.getStackInSlot(x); ItemStack currentItem = craftMatrix.getStackInSlot(x); if (currentItem != null) { testInv.setInventorySlotContents(x, currentItem); ItemStack newItemStack = r.matches(testInv, pmp.worldObj) ? r.getCraftingResult(testInv) : null; testInv.setInventorySlotContents(x, patternItem); if (newItemStack == null || !Platform.isSameItemPrecise(newItemStack, is)) { IAEItemStack in = AEItemStack.create(currentItem); if (in != null) { IAEItemStack out = realForFake == Actionable.SIMULATE ? null : Platform.poweredInsert(energy, storage, in, cct.getSource()); if (out != null) { craftMatrix.setInventorySlotContents(x, out.getItemStack()); } else { craftMatrix.setInventorySlotContents(x, null); } currentItem = craftMatrix.getStackInSlot(x); } } } // True if we need to fetch an item for the recipe if (patternItem != null && currentItem == null) { // Grab from network by recipe ItemStack whichItem = Platform.extractItemsByRecipe( energy, cct.getSource(), storage, player.worldObj, r, is, testInv, patternItem, x, all, realForFake, filter); // If that doesn't get it, grab exact items from network (?) // TODO see if this code is necessary if (whichItem == null) { for (int y = 0; y < this.recipe[x].length; y++) { IAEItemStack request = AEItemStack.create(this.recipe[x][y]); if (request != null) { if (filter == null || filter.isListed(request)) { request.setStackSize(1); IAEItemStack out = Platform.poweredExtraction(energy, storage, request, cct.getSource()); if (out != null) { whichItem = out.getItemStack(); break; } } } } } // If that doesn't work, grab from the player's inventory if (whichItem == null && playerInventory != null) { whichItem = extractItemFromPlayerInventory(player, realForFake, patternItem); } craftMatrix.setInventorySlotContents(x, whichItem); } } con.onCraftMatrixChanged(craftMatrix); } } } } } }