Beispiel #1
  LibManager(String[] libs, String[] versions) {
    if (versions == null || libs == null) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Neither libs nor versions can be null");

    if (versions.length != libs.length) {
      throw new RuntimeException("Invalid library versions: must match number of libraries");

    locations = generateLocations();

    for (int i = 0; i < libs.length; ++i) {
      libraryVersions.put(libs[i], versions[i]);

    properties = new LMProperties(detectJVM().intString(), libraryVersions);
    if (AUTO_DOWNLOAD) {
      downloadManager = new DownloadManager(properties);

    if (!JUST_DO_SIMPLE_LOAD_LIBRARY && System.getProperty("vdb.deleteLibraries") != null) {
      /* make sure we have the latest version of ngs-sdk & ncbi-vdb dll-s */
      for (String libname : libs) {
        Logger.warning("Deleting all JNI libraries...");
        LibPathIterator.deleteLibraries(this, libname);
Beispiel #2
  private LibSearchResult searchLibrary(String libname, Version requiredVersion) {
    LibSearchResult searchResult = new LibSearchResult();

    for (Location l : locations) {"Checking " + libname + " from " + l + "...");

      List<String> pathsToCheck = new ArrayList<String>();
      boolean useLoadLibrary = false;
      boolean searchEvenAfterFound = !JUST_DO_SIMPLE_LOAD_LIBRARY;
      switch (l) {
        case LIBPATH:
            String libnameWithDataModel = libnameWithDataModel(libname);
            if (libnameWithDataModel != null) {
            useLoadLibrary = true;
        case CACHE:
            String filename = properties.get(libname);
            if (filename == null) {

            // when search is enabled, we might skip it if cache has information about previously
            // loaded library and last search was less than SEARCH_LIB_FREQUENCY_INTERVAL ago
            Date lastSearchDate = properties.getLastSeach(libname);

            searchEvenAfterFound =
                lastSearchDate == null
                    || (new Date().getTime() - lastSearchDate.getTime()
                        > SEARCH_LIB_FREQUENCY_INTERVAL);

            // this is kind of hack, but it does not require different checks between win/unix
            // we say that library was loaded from LIBPATH location when its path starts from
            // library simple name
            useLoadLibrary = filename.startsWith(libname);
        case DOWNLOAD:
  "Downloading " + libname + " from NCBI...");
            LibDownloadResult downloadResult;
            if (!mocksEnabled) {
              downloadResult = download(libname);
            } else if (mockDownloadStatus == null) {
              throw new RuntimeException("mockDownloadStatus must be set when mocks enabled");
            } else {
              downloadResult = new LibDownloadResult();
              downloadResult.status = mockDownloadStatus;
              downloadResult.savedPath = "/some/path/" + libname;
            if (downloadResult.status != DownloadManager.DownloadResult.SUCCESS) {
              Logger.warning("Failed to download " + libname + " from NCBI");
              if (downloadResult.status == DownloadManager.DownloadResult.UNSUPPORTED_OS) {
                searchResult.failCause = new UnsupportedArchCause();
              } else {
                searchResult.failCause = new ConnectionProblemCause();
  "Downloaded " + libname + " from NCBI");
            Logger.fine("Checking " + libname + " library...");

            String name[] = mapLibraryName(libname);
            Logger.finest("System.mapLibraryName(" + libname + ") = " + name[0]);

            LibPathIterator it = new LibPathIterator(l, name);
            while (true) {
              String filename = it.nextName();
              if (filename == null) {


      boolean foundInLocation = false;
      for (String path : pathsToCheck) {
        Version v;
        if (!mocksEnabled) {
          v = checkLibraryVersion(libname, path, useLoadLibrary);
        } else if (mockLocationVersions == null) {
          throw new RuntimeException("mockLocationVersions must be set when mocks enabled");
        } else {
          v = mockLocationVersions.get(l);
        if (v == null) {

        foundInLocation = true;

        boolean versionFits = v.isCompatible(requiredVersion) && v.compareTo(requiredVersion) >= 0;
        // replace a found version if either:
        // a) none was previously found
        // b) found version which fits requirements and it is higher than previously found
        // c) found version version which fits requirements while previously found one does not
        if (searchResult.path == null
            || (versionFits && (v.compareTo(searchResult.version) > 0)
                || !searchResult.versionFits)) {
          searchResult.versionFits = versionFits;
          searchResult.location = l;
          searchResult.version = v;
          searchResult.path = path;

        if (searchResult.versionFits && !searchEvenAfterFound) {

      if (l == Location.DOWNLOAD) {
        // when we downloaded something that either can't be loaded or does not fit our requirements
        // or we just overwrote our best found library and cannot load it
        if (!searchResult.versionFits
            || (!foundInLocation && searchResult.path.equals(pathsToCheck.get(0)))) {
          searchResult.versionFits = false;
          searchResult.location = l;
          searchResult.version = null;
          searchResult.path = pathsToCheck.get(0);

      if (searchResult.version != null && searchResult.version.isCompatible(requiredVersion)) {
        Version latestVersion = getLatestVersion(libname);
        // if we don't know the latest version, then we might stop the search if
        // found version is okay and searchEvenAfterFound == false
        if (latestVersion == null
            && searchResult.version.compareTo(requiredVersion) >= 0
            && !searchEvenAfterFound) {
        // if we know the latest version, then we should search until find it
        if (latestVersion != null && searchResult.version.compareTo(requiredVersion) >= 0) {

    boolean downloadEnabled = Arrays.asList(locations).contains(Location.DOWNLOAD);

    if (searchResult.failCause == null && !downloadEnabled) {
      searchResult.failCause = new DownloadDisabledCause();

    return searchResult;
Beispiel #3
   * Creates a file by finding directory by iterating the location array and using libname to
   * generate the file name
  public BufferedOutputStream create(String libname) {
    createdFileName = null;
    for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
      Location location = null;
      boolean model = true;
      switch (i) {
        case 0:
          location = Location.NCBI_HOME;
          model = false;
        case 1:
      LibPathIterator it =
          new LibPathIterator(this, location, mapLibraryName(libname, model), true);

      while (true) {
        String pathname = it.nextName();
        if (pathname == null) {
          return null;

        Logger.fine("Trying to create " + pathname + "...");
        File file = new File(pathname);
        try {
          pathname = file.getAbsolutePath();
        } catch (SecurityException e) {
          Logger.warning(pathname + " : cannot getAbsolutePath " + e);
        if (file.exists()) {
          String dathname = pathname + ".bak";
          File dest = new File(dathname);
            String name = System.getProperty("");
            if (name != null && name.startsWith("Win")) {
              /*    On Windows delete the file we are going to rename to.
              Otherwise renaming will fail. */
              if (dest.exists()) {
                Logger.fine("Trying to remove " + dathname + " ...");
          Logger.finest("Trying to rename " + pathname + " to " + dathname + " ...");
          if (!file.renameTo(dest)) {
            Logger.warning(pathname + ".renameTo(" + dathname + ") failed");
        FileOutputStream s = null;
        try {
          s = new FileOutputStream(pathname);
        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
          /* e.message = pathname (Permission denied):
          could be because pathname is not writable
          or pathname not found and its directory is not writable */
          Logger.warning("Cannot open " + pathname);

        createdFileName = pathname;

        Logger.fine("Opened " + pathname);
        return new BufferedOutputStream(s, HttpManager.BUF_SZ);
    return null;