Beispiel #1
  * Transform geometry
  * @param geometry Geometry to transform
  * @param targetSRID TargetEPSG code
  * @param sourceCRS Source CRS
  * @param targetCRS Target CRS
  * @return Transformed geometry
  * @throws OwsExceptionReport
 private Geometry transform(
     final Geometry geometry,
     final int targetSRID,
     final CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCRS,
     final CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS)
     throws OwsExceptionReport {
   if (sourceCRS.equals(targetCRS)) {
     return geometry;
   Geometry switchedCoordiantes = switchCoordinateAxisIfNeeded(geometry, targetSRID);
   try {
     MathTransform transform = CRS.findMathTransform(sourceCRS, targetCRS);
     Geometry transformed = JTS.transform(switchedCoordiantes, transform);
     return transformed;
   } catch (FactoryException fe) {
     throw new NoApplicableCodeException()
         .withMessage("The EPSG code '%s' is not supported!", switchedCoordiantes.getSRID());
   } catch (MismatchedDimensionException mde) {
     throw new NoApplicableCodeException()
         .withMessage("The EPSG code '%s' is not supported!", switchedCoordiantes.getSRID());
   } catch (TransformException te) {
     throw new NoApplicableCodeException()
         .withMessage("The EPSG code '%s' is not supported!", switchedCoordiantes.getSRID());
Beispiel #2
  * Switch Geometry coordinates if necessary
  * @param geom Geometry to switch coordinates
  * @return Geometry with switched coordinates
  * @throws OwsExceptionReport If an error occurs
 public Geometry switchCoordinateAxisOrderIfNeeded(final Geometry geom) throws OwsExceptionReport {
   if (geom != null
       && isNorthingFirstEpsgCode(geom.getSRID() == 0 ? getStorageEPSG() : geom.getSRID())) {
     return JTSHelper.switchCoordinateAxisOrder(geom);
   } else {
     return geom;
Beispiel #3
 private Geometry switchCoordinateAxisIfNeeded(Geometry geometry, int targetSRID)
     throws OwsExceptionReport {
   if (geometry != null && !geometry.isEmpty()) {
     if ((isNorthingFirstEpsgCode(geometry.getSRID()) && isNorthingFirstEpsgCode(targetSRID))
         || (isEastingFirstEpsgCode(geometry.getSRID()) && isEastingFirstEpsgCode(targetSRID))) {
       return geometry;
     return JTSHelper.switchCoordinateAxisOrder(geometry);
   return geometry;
Beispiel #4
  * Transform geometry to this EPSG code
  * @param geometry Geometry to transform
  * @param targetSRID Target EPSG code
  * @return Transformed geometry
  * @throws OwsExceptionReport
 public Geometry transform(final Geometry geometry, final int targetSRID)
     throws OwsExceptionReport {
   if (geometry != null && !geometry.isEmpty()) {
     if (geometry.getSRID() == targetSRID) {
       return geometry;
     CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCRS = getCRS(geometry.getSRID());
     CoordinateReferenceSystem targetCRS = getCRS(targetSRID);
     return transform(geometry, targetSRID, sourceCRS, targetCRS);
   return geometry;
   * Convert the raw geometry to the target srid coordinate system.
   * @param ctx Command context used to lookup proj4 parameters from table.
   * @param jtsGeomSrc Geometry to transform.
   * @param srid Target SRID; must exist in SPATIAL_REF_SYS table.
   * @return
   * @throws Exception
  static Geometry transform(CommandContext ctx, Geometry jtsGeomSrc, int srid) throws Exception {
    String srcParam = lookupProj4Text(ctx, jtsGeomSrc.getSRID());
    String tgtParam = lookupProj4Text(ctx, srid);

    Geometry jtsGeomTgt = transform(jtsGeomSrc, srcParam, tgtParam);
    return jtsGeomTgt;
Beispiel #6
  * Switch the coordinate axis of geometry from or for datasource
  * @param geom Geometry to switch coordinate axis
  * @return Geometry with switched coordinate axis if needed
  * @throws OwsExceptionReport If coordinate axis switching fails
 public Geometry switchCoordinateAxisFromToDatasourceIfNeeded(final Geometry geom)
     throws OwsExceptionReport {
   if (geom != null && !geom.isEmpty()) {
     if (isDatasourceNorthingFirst()) {
       if (!isNorthingFirstEpsgCode(geom.getSRID())) {
         return JTSHelper.switchCoordinateAxisOrder(geom);
       return geom;
     } else {
       if (isNorthingFirstEpsgCode(geom.getSRID())) {
         return JTSHelper.switchCoordinateAxisOrder(geom);
       return geom;
   return geom;
Beispiel #7
  /** decimates JTS geometries. */
  public final Geometry decimate(Geometry geom) {
    GeometryFactory gFac = new GeometryFactory(geom.getPrecisionModel(), geom.getSRID());
    if (spanx == -1) return geom;
    if (geom instanceof MultiPoint) {
      // TODO check geometry and if its bbox is too small turn it into a 1
      // point geom
      return geom;
    if (geom instanceof GeometryCollection) {
      // TODO check geometry and if its bbox is too small turn it into a
      // 1-2 point geom
      // takes a bit of work because the geometry will need to be
      // recreated.
      GeometryCollection collection = (GeometryCollection) geom;
      Geometry[] result = new Geometry[collection.getDimension()];
      final int numGeometries = collection.getNumGeometries();
      for (int i = 0; i < numGeometries; i++) {
        result[i] = decimate(collection.getGeometryN(i));
      return gFac.createGeometryCollection(result);

    } else if (geom instanceof LineString) {
      LineString line = (LineString) geom;
      CoordinateSequence seq = (CoordinateSequence) line.getCoordinateSequence();
      LiteCoordinateSequence lseq = new LiteCoordinateSequence(seq.toCoordinateArray());

      if (decimateOnEnvelope(line, lseq)) {
        if (lseq.size() >= 2) return gFac.createLineString(lseq);
      if (lseq.size() >= 2) return gFac.createLineString(decimate(lseq));
      return null;
    } else if (geom instanceof Polygon) {
      Polygon line = (Polygon) geom;
      Coordinate[] exterior = decimate(line.getExteriorRing()).getCoordinates();
      if (exterior.length > 3) {
        LinearRing ring = gFac.createLinearRing(exterior);

        final int numRings = line.getNumInteriorRing();
        List<LinearRing> rings = new ArrayList<LinearRing>();

        for (int i = 0; i < numRings; i++) {
          Coordinate[] interior = decimate(line.getInteriorRingN(i)).getCoordinates();
          if (interior.length > 3) rings.add(gFac.createLinearRing(interior));
        return gFac.createPolygon(ring, rings.toArray(new LinearRing[] {}));
      return null;
    return geom;
Beispiel #8
  * Transforms the geometry to the storage EPSG code
  * @param geometry Geometry to transform
  * @return Transformed geometry
  * @throws OwsExceptionReport
 public Geometry transformToStorageEpsg(final Geometry geometry) throws OwsExceptionReport {
   if (geometry != null && !geometry.isEmpty()) {
     CoordinateReferenceSystem sourceCRS = getCRS(geometry.getSRID());
     int targetSRID;
     if (sourceCRS.getCoordinateSystem().getDimension() == 3) {
       targetSRID = getStorage3DEPSG();
     } else {
       targetSRID = getStorageEPSG();
     return transform(geometry, targetSRID, sourceCRS, getCRS(targetSRID));
   return geometry;
  // General helpers
  private String crsToJsonSpatialReference(Geometry geom) throws IOException {

    // Get CRS from geometry
    String wkid = "";
    int refsys = geom.getSRID();
    if (refsys != 0) {
      Integer i = new Integer(refsys);
      wkid = i.toString();
    } else {
      throw new IOException(
          "The GML geometry that is being transformed to a json polyline does not have a spatial reference (srid)");
    wkid = "\"spatialReference\":{\"wkid\":" + wkid + "}";
    return wkid;
  * Get the geometry from featureOfInterest object.
  * @param feature
  * @return geometry
  * @throws OwsExceptionReport
 public Geometry createGeometry(final HasCoordinate coodinates) throws OwsExceptionReport {
   if (coodinates.isSetLongLat()) {
     int epsg = getStorageEPSG();
     if (coodinates.isSetSrid()) {
       epsg = coodinates.getSrid();
     final String wktString =
             .getWktString(coodinates.getLongitude(), coodinates.getLatitude(), epsg);
     final Geometry geom = JTSHelper.createGeometryFromWKT(wktString, epsg);
     if (coodinates.isSetAltitude()) {
       geom.getCoordinate().z = JavaHelper.asDouble(coodinates.getAltitude());
       if (geom.getSRID() == getStorage3DEPSG()) {
     return geom;
   return null;
      name = "UrbanGridCUDAProcess",
      description = "Urban Grid indexes calculated using CUDA",
      type = List.class)
  public List<StatisticContainer> execute(
      @DescribeParameter(name = "reference", description = "Name of the reference raster")
          GridCoverage2D referenceCoverage,
      @DescribeParameter(name = "now", description = "Name of the new raster")
          GridCoverage2D nowCoverage,
      @DescribeParameter(name = "index", min = 1, description = "Index to calculate") int index,
              name = "subindex",
              min = 0,
              description = "String indicating which sub-index must be calculated")
          String subId,
      @DescribeParameter(name = "pixelarea", min = 0, description = "Pixel Area") Double pixelArea,
      @DescribeParameter(name = "rois", min = 1, description = "Administrative Areas")
          List<Geometry> rois,
      @DescribeParameter(name = "populations", min = 0, description = "Populations for each Area")
          List<List<Integer>> populations,
              name = "coefficient",
              min = 0,
              description = "Multiplier coefficient for index 10")
          Double coeff,
      @DescribeParameter(name = "rural", min = 0, description = "Rural or Urban index")
          boolean rural,
      @DescribeParameter(name = "radius", min = 0, description = "Radius in meters") int radius)
      throws IOException {

    // Check on the index 7
    boolean nullSubId = subId == null || subId.isEmpty();
    boolean subIndexA = !nullSubId && subId.equalsIgnoreCase("a");
    boolean subIndexC = !nullSubId && subId.equalsIgnoreCase("c");
    boolean subIndexB = !nullSubId && subId.equalsIgnoreCase("b");
    if (index == SEVENTH_INDEX && (nullSubId || !(subIndexA || subIndexB || subIndexC))) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong subindex for index 7");
    // Check if almost one coverage is present
    if (referenceCoverage == null && nowCoverage == null) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("No input Coverage provided");

    double areaPx;
    if (pixelArea == null) {
      areaPx = PIXEL_AREA;
    } else {
      areaPx = pixelArea;

    // Check if Geometry area or perimeter must be calculated
    boolean inRasterSpace = true;
    // Selection of the operation to do for each index
    switch (index) {
      case FIFTH_INDEX:
      case SIXTH_INDEX:
      case SEVENTH_INDEX:
      case ELEVENTH_INDEX:
      case TWELVE_INDEX:
        if (!subIndexA) {
          inRasterSpace = false;

    // If the index is 7a-8-9-10 then the input Geometries must be transformed to the Model Space
    List<Geometry> geoms = new ArrayList<Geometry>();
    final AffineTransform gridToWorldCorner =
            ((GridGeometry2D) referenceCoverage.getGridGeometry())
    if (inRasterSpace) {
      for (Geometry geo : rois) {
        try {
          geoms.add(JTS.transform(geo, ProjectiveTransform.create(gridToWorldCorner)));
        } catch (MismatchedDimensionException e) {
          LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e);
          throw new ProcessException(e);
        } catch (TransformException e) {
          LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e);
          throw new ProcessException(e);
    } else {

    // Check if the Geometries must be reprojected
    /*        Object userData = geoms.get(0).getUserData();
            if (!inRasterSpace && userData instanceof CoordinateReferenceSystem) {
                CoordinateReferenceSystem geomCRS = (CoordinateReferenceSystem) userData;
                CoordinateReferenceSystem refCRS = referenceCoverage.getCoordinateReferenceSystem();
                MathTransform tr = null;
                try {
                    tr = CRS.findMathTransform(geomCRS, refCRS);

                    if (!(tr == null || tr.isIdentity())) {
                        int geosize = geoms.size();
                        for (int i = 0; i < geosize; i++) {
                            Geometry geo = geoms.get(i);
                            Geometry transform = JTS.transform(geo, tr);
                            geoms.set(i, transform);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e);
                    throw new ProcessException(e);
                // Otherwise only set the correct User_Data parameter
            } else if (inRasterSpace){
    */ int geosize = geoms.size();
    final CoordinateReferenceSystem refCrs = referenceCoverage.getCoordinateReferenceSystem();
    for (int i = 0; i < geosize; i++) {
      Geometry geo = geoms.get(i);


      if (geo.getSRID() == 0) {
        try {
          geo.setSRID(CRS.lookupEpsgCode(refCrs, true));
        } catch (FactoryException e) {
          LOGGER.log(Level.WARNING, e.getMessage(), e);
    //        }

    // Empty arrays containing the statistics results
    double[] statsRef = null;
    double[] statsNow = null;
    double[][][] statsComplex = null;

    // Create a new List of CUDA Bean objects
    List<CUDABean> beans = new ArrayList<CUDABean>();

    // Loop around all the Geometries and generate a new CUDA Bean object
    try {
      // MathTransform transform = ProjectiveTransform.create(gridToWorldCorner).inverse();
      int counter = 0;
      int buffer = (index == 12 ? radius : 0);
      for (Geometry geo : geoms) {
        // Create the CUDABean object
        CUDABean bean = new CUDABean();

        // Populate it with Reference coverage parameters
        populateBean(bean, true, referenceCoverage, geo, null, buffer);

        // Set the population values if needed
        if (populations != null) {
          Integer popRef = populations.get(0).get(counter);

        // Do the same for the Current Coverage if present
        if (nowCoverage != null) {
          populateBean(bean, false, nowCoverage, geo, null, buffer);
          // Set the population values if needed
          if (populations != null) {
            Integer popCur = populations.get(1).get(counter);
        // Add the bean to the list
        // Update counter
    } catch (Exception e) {
      LOGGER.log(Level.SEVERE, e.getMessage(), e);
      throw new ProcessException(e);

    // Calculate the index using CUDA
    //		System.out.println(
    // java.text.DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance().format(Calendar.getInstance().getTime()) );
    //      long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
     * Generalize: > isUrban = false/true ------------------------| > RADIUS [meters] = scalar
     * ---------------------------------|
    Object output = null;
    try {
      output = calculateCUDAIndex(index, subId, beans, rural, radius);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
      // TODO Auto-generated catch block
    //		long estimatedTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime;
    //		System.out.println("Elapsed time calculateCUDAIndex()\t--> " + estimatedTime + " [ms]");
    Rectangle refRect =

    // For index 8 calculate the final Image
    if (index == 8 || index == 9 || index == 12) {

      System.out.println("rural=" + rural + " -- radius/buffer=" + radius + " [m]");

      List<StatisticContainer> results = new ArrayList<CLCProcess.StatisticContainer>();
      StatisticContainer stats = new StatisticContainer();
      double[][][] images = (double[][][]) output;

      int numGeo = beans.size();
      // Images to mosaic
      RenderedImage[] refImgs = new RenderedImage[numGeo];
      ROI[] roiObjs = new ROI[numGeo];

      // Giuliano tested for 91 municipalities in NAPLES and it FAILED within the following FOR
      // loop!!
      for (int i = 0; i < numGeo; i++) {
        double[][] refData = images[i];
        CUDABean bean = beans.get(i);
        double[] data = refData[0];
        if (data != null) {
          Rectangle rect =
              new Rectangle(bean.getMinX(), bean.getMinY(), bean.getWidth(), bean.getHeight());
          refImgs[i] = createImage(rect, data);
          roiObjs[i] = bean.getRoiObj();
      ImageLayout layout = new ImageLayout2();

      RenderingHints hints = new RenderingHints(JAI.KEY_IMAGE_LAYOUT, layout);

      // Mosaic of the images
      double[] background = (index == 8 || index == 12 ? new double[] {-1.0} : new double[] {0.0});
      RenderedImage finalRef =

      // RenderedImageBrowser.showChain(finalRef, false, false);

      // Upgrade of the statistics container
      // Check if the same calculations must be done for the Current coverage
      if (nowCoverage != null && index != 9) {
        RenderedImage[] currImgs = new RenderedImage[numGeo];
        RenderedImage[] diffImgs = new RenderedImage[numGeo];
        for (int i = 0; i < numGeo; i++) {
          CUDABean bean = beans.get(i);
          double[] data = images[i][1];
          double[] diff = images[i][2];
          Rectangle rect =
              new Rectangle(bean.getMinX(), bean.getMinY(), bean.getWidth(), bean.getHeight());
          currImgs[i] = createImage(rect, data);
          diffImgs[i] = createImage(rect, diff);
        // Mosaic of the images
        RenderedImage finalCurr =

        // Mosaic of the images
        RenderedImage finalDiff =
        // Update the statistics container
      return results;
    /*else if (index == 9) {// LAND TAKE
        double[][][] values = (double[][][]) output;
        statsRef = values[0][0];
        statsNow = values[0].length > 1 ? values[0][1] : null;
    else if (index == 11) { // MODEL OF URBAN DEVELOPMENT
      statsComplex = (double[][][]) output;
    } else {
      double[][][] values = (double[][][]) output;
      statsRef = new double[values.length];
      statsNow = (values[0][0].length > 1 ? new double[values.length] : null);

      for (int v = 0; v < values.length; v++) {
        statsRef[v] = values[v][0][0];
        if (values[v][0].length > 1) {
          statsNow[v] = values[v][0][1];

    // Result accumulation
    List<StatisticContainer> results = accumulateResults(rois, statsRef, statsNow, statsComplex);

    return results;
 private boolean checkSrid(Geometry geom) {
   final int srid = geom.getSRID();
   // SRID is default 0 with jts geometries
   return (srid != -1) && (srid != 0);
  /** Parse a geometry starting at offset. */
  protected void writeGeometry(Geometry geom, ValueSetter dest) {
    final int dimension;
    if (geom == null) {
      throw new NullPointerException();
    } else if (geom.isEmpty()) {
      // don't set any flag bits
      dimension = 0;
    } else {
      dimension = getCoordDim(geom);
      if (dimension < 2 || dimension > 4) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported geometry dimensionality: " + dimension);
    // write endian flag

    // write typeword
    final int plaintype = getWKBType(geom);
    int typeword = plaintype;
    if (dimension == 3 || dimension == 4) {
      typeword |= 0x80000000;
    if (dimension == 4) {
      typeword |= 0x40000000;

    final boolean haveSrid = checkSrid(geom);
    if (haveSrid) {
      typeword |= 0x20000000;


    if (haveSrid) {

    switch (plaintype) {
      case org.postgis.Geometry.POINT:
        writePoint((Point) geom, dest);
      case org.postgis.Geometry.LINESTRING:
        writeLineString((LineString) geom, dest);
      case org.postgis.Geometry.POLYGON:
        writePolygon((Polygon) geom, dest);
      case org.postgis.Geometry.MULTIPOINT:
        writeMultiPoint((MultiPoint) geom, dest);
      case org.postgis.Geometry.MULTILINESTRING:
        writeMultiLineString((MultiLineString) geom, dest);
      case org.postgis.Geometry.MULTIPOLYGON:
        writeMultiPolygon((MultiPolygon) geom, dest);
      case org.postgis.Geometry.GEOMETRYCOLLECTION:
        writeCollection((GeometryCollection) geom, dest);
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unknown Geometry Type: " + plaintype);
    // ~ Methods  ------------------------------------------------------------
    protected Set<CidsBean> doInBackground() throws Exception {
      final FlurstueckSchluesselCustomBean currentKey =
      if (currentKey != null) {
        Geometry flurstueckGeom = LagisBroker.getInstance().getInstance().getCurrentWFSGeometry();
        if (flurstueckGeom != null) {

              "Crossover: Geometrie zum bestimmen der Kassenzeichen (vor Transformation): "
                  + flurstueckGeom
                  + ",SRS"
                  + flurstueckGeom.getSRID());
          flurstueckGeom =
              CrsTransformer.transformToGivenCrs(flurstueckGeom, "EPSG:31466"); // Hardcoded FTW

              "Crossover: Geometrie zum bestimmen der Kassenzeichen: "
                  + flurstueckGeom
                  + ",SRS"
                  + flurstueckGeom.getSRID());

          //                    final KassenzeichenFacadeRemote verdisServer =
          // LagisBroker.getInstance().getVerdisServer();

          final String query =
              "SELECT 11,\n"
                  + "FROM  kassenzeichen k, geom\n"
                  + "WHERE k.geometrie =\n"
                  + "AND not isEmpty(geom.geo_field)\n"
                  + "AND intersects(geom.geo_field,st_buffer(st_buffer(geometryfromtext('"
                  + flurstueckGeom.toText()
                  + "',31466), "
                  + LagisBroker.getInstance().getKassenzeichenBuffer()
                  + "), 0))";

          if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {

          if (isCancelled()) {
            return null;

          final MetaObject[] result =
              CidsBroker.getInstance().getMetaObject(query, "VERDIS_GRUNDIS");
          final HashSet<CidsBean> kassenzeichen =
              new HashSet<CidsBean>((result == null) ? 0 : result.length);

          if (result != null) {
            for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {

          //                        kassenzeichen =
          // verdisServer.getIntersectingKassenzeichen(flurstueckGeom,
          //                                LagisBroker.getInstance().getKassenzeichenBuffer());

          if ((kassenzeichen != null) && (kassenzeichen.size() > 0)) {
            if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
              log.debug("Crossover: Anzahl Kassenzeichen: " + kassenzeichen.size());
          } else {
  "Crossover:Keine geschnittenen Kassenzeichen gefunden."); // ToDo Meldung an
            // benutzer
          return kassenzeichen;
        } else { // ToDo user message !
              "<html>Keine Flurstücksgeometrie vorhanden,<br/>bestimmen der Kasssenzeichen nicht möglich.</html>");
          log.warn("Crossover: Keine Geometrie vorhanden zum bestimmen der Kassenzeichen");
      } else {
        // ToDo user message !
            "<html>Bitte wählen Sie ein Flurstück aus,<br/>damit Kassenzeichen bestimmt werden können.</html > ");
        log.warn("Crossover: Kein  Flurstück ausgewählt kann Lagis Kassenzeichen nicht bestimmen");
      return null;