Beispiel #1
 /** Create an ee and load the volt shared library */
 public ExecutionEngine(long siteId, int partitionId) {
   m_partitionId = partitionId;
   // In mock test environments there may be no stats agent.
   final StatsAgent statsAgent = VoltDB.instance().getStatsAgent();
   if (statsAgent != null) {
     m_plannerStats = new PlannerStatsCollector(siteId);
     statsAgent.registerStatsSource(SysProcSelector.PLANNER, siteId, m_plannerStats);
Beispiel #2
   * Takes a snapshot of all the tables in the database now and check all the rows in each table to
   * see if they satisfy the constraints. The constraints should be added with the table name and
   * table id 0.
   * <p>Since the snapshot files reside on the servers, we have to copy them over to the client in
   * order to check. This might be an overkill, but the alternative is to ask the user to write
   * stored procedure for each table and execute them on all nodes. That's not significantly better,
   * either.
   * <p>This function blocks. Should only be run at the end.
   * @return true if all tables passed the test, false otherwise.
  protected boolean checkTables() {
    String dir = "/tmp";
    String nonce = "data_verification";
    ClientConfig clientConfig = new ClientConfig(m_username, m_password);

    Client client = ClientFactory.createClient(clientConfig);
    // Host ID to IP mappings
    LinkedHashMap<Integer, String> hostMappings = new LinkedHashMap<Integer, String>();
     *  The key is the table name. the first one in the pair is the hostname,
     *  the second one is file name
    LinkedHashMap<String, Pair<String, String>> snapshotMappings =
        new LinkedHashMap<String, Pair<String, String>>();
    boolean isSatisfied = true;

    // Load the native library for loading table from snapshot file

    try {
      boolean keepTrying = true;
      VoltTable[] response = null;

      // Only initiate the snapshot if it's the first client
      while (m_id == 0) {
        // Take a snapshot of the database. This call is blocking.
        response = client.callProcedure("@SnapshotSave", dir, nonce, 1).getResults();
        if (response.length != 1
            || !response[0].advanceRow()
            || !response[0].getString("RESULT").equals("SUCCESS")) {
          if (keepTrying && response[0].getString("ERR_MSG").contains("ALREADY EXISTS")) {
            client.callProcedure("@SnapshotDelete", new String[] {dir}, new String[] {nonce});
            keepTrying = false;

          System.err.println("Failed to take snapshot");
          return false;


      // Clients other than the one that initiated the snapshot
      // have to check if the snapshot has completed
      if (m_id > 0) {
        int maxTry = 10;

        while (maxTry-- > 0) {
          boolean found = false;
          response = client.callProcedure("@SnapshotStatus").getResults();
          if (response.length != 2) {
            System.err.println("Failed to get snapshot status");
            return false;
          while (response[0].advanceRow()) {
            if (response[0].getString("NONCE").equals(nonce)) {
              found = true;

          if (found) {
            // This probably means the snapshot is done
            if (response[0].getLong("END_TIME") > 0) break;

          try {
          } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            return false;

      // Get host ID to hostname mappings
      response = client.callProcedure("@SystemInformation").getResults();
      if (response.length != 1) {
        System.err.println("Failed to get host ID to IP address mapping");
        return false;
      while (response[0].advanceRow()) {
        if (!response[0].getString("KEY").equals("HOSTNAME")) {
            (Integer) response[0].get("HOST_ID", VoltType.INTEGER), response[0].getString("VALUE"));

      System.err.println("\n\nhostMappings: ");
      for (Integer i : hostMappings.keySet()) {
          System.err.println("\tkey: " + i + " value: " + hostMappings.get(i));

      // Do a scan to get all the file names and table names
      response = client.callProcedure("@SnapshotScan", dir).getResults();
      if (response.length != 3) {
        System.err.println("Failed to get snapshot filenames");
        return false;

      // Only copy the snapshot files we just created
      while (response[0].advanceRow()) {
        if (!response[0].getString("NONCE").equals(nonce)) continue;

        String[] tables = response[0].getString("TABLES_REQUIRED").split(",");
        for (String t : tables) {
          snapshotMappings.put(t, null);

      System.err.println("\n\nsnapshotMappings: ");
      for (String i : snapshotMappings.keySet()) {
          System.err.println("\tkey: " + i + " value: " + snapshotMappings.get(i));

      while (response[2].advanceRow()) {
        int id = (Integer) response[2].get("HOST_ID", VoltType.INTEGER);
        String tableName = response[2].getString("TABLE");
        if (!snapshotMappings.containsKey(tableName) || !hostMappings.containsKey(id)) {
          System.err.println("FAILED configuring snapshotMappings for: ");
              "snapshottingMapping[" + tableName + "] " + snapshotMappings.get(tableName));
          System.err.println("hostMappings[" + id + "] " + hostMappings.get(id));

            tableName, Pair.of(hostMappings.get(id), response[2].getString("NAME")));
    } catch (NoConnectionsException e) {
      return false;
    } catch (ProcCallException e) {
      return false;
    } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
      return false;
    } catch (IOException e) {
      return false;

    // Iterate through all the tables
    System.err.println("Checking " + m_tableCheckOrder.size() + " table contraints");
    for (String tableName : m_tableCheckOrder) {
      Pair<String, String> value = snapshotMappings.get(tableName);
      if (value == null) {
        System.err.println("No snapshot mapping for table: " + tableName);

      String hostName = value.getFirst();
      File file = new File(dir, value.getSecond());
      FileInputStream inputStream = null;
      TableSaveFile saveFile = null;
      long rowCount = 0;

      Pair<String, Integer> key = Pair.of(tableName, 0);
      if (!m_constraints.containsKey(key) || hostName == null) {
        System.err.println("No constraint for : " + tableName);

      // Copy the file over
      String localhostName = ConnectionUtil.getHostnameOrAddress();
      final SSHTools ssh = new SSHTools(m_username);
      if (!hostName.equals("localhost") && !hostName.equals(localhostName)) {
        if (!ssh.copyFromRemote(file.getPath(), hostName, file.getPath())) {
              "Failed to copy the snapshot file " + file.getPath() + " from host " + hostName);
          return false;

      if (!file.exists()) {
            "Snapshot file "
                + file.getPath()
                + " cannot be copied from "
                + hostName
                + " to localhost");
        return false;

      try {
        try {
          inputStream = new FileInputStream(file);
          saveFile = new TableSaveFile(inputStream.getChannel(), 3, null);

          // Get chunks from table
          while (isSatisfied && saveFile.hasMoreChunks()) {
            final BBContainer chunk = saveFile.getNextChunk();
            VoltTable table = null;

            // This probably should not happen
            if (chunk == null) continue;

            table = PrivateVoltTableFactory.createVoltTableFromBuffer(chunk.b, true);
            // Now, check each row
            while (isSatisfied && table.advanceRow()) {
              isSatisfied = Verification.checkRow(m_constraints.get(key), table);
            // Release the memory of the chunk we just examined, be good
        } finally {
          if (saveFile != null) {
          if (inputStream != null) inputStream.close();
          if (!hostName.equals("localhost") && !hostName.equals(localhostName) && !file.delete())
            System.err.println("Failed to delete snapshot file " + file.getPath());
      } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
        return false;
      } catch (IOException e) {
        return false;

      if (isSatisfied) {
        System.err.println("Table " + tableName + " with " + rowCount + " rows passed check");
      } else {
        System.err.println("Table " + tableName + " failed check");

    // Clean up the snapshot we made
    try {
      if (m_id == 0) {
            .callProcedure("@SnapshotDelete", new String[] {dir}, new String[] {nonce})
    } catch (IOException e) {
    } catch (ProcCallException e) {

        "Table checking finished " + (isSatisfied ? "successfully" : "with failures"));

    return isSatisfied;
Beispiel #3
  // XXX maybe consider an IOException subclass at some point
  public TableSaveFile(
      FileChannel dataIn,
      int readAheadChunks,
      Integer[] relevantPartitionIds,
      boolean continueOnCorruptedChunk)
      throws IOException {
    try {
      if (relevantPartitionIds == null) {
        m_relevantPartitionIds = null;
      } else {
        m_relevantPartitionIds = new HashSet<Integer>();
        for (Integer i : relevantPartitionIds) {
      m_chunkReads = new Semaphore(readAheadChunks);
      m_saveFile = dataIn;
      m_continueOnCorruptedChunk = continueOnCorruptedChunk;

      final PureJavaCrc32 crc = new PureJavaCrc32();
       * If the CRC check fails because the file wasn't completed
      final PureJavaCrc32 secondCRC = new PureJavaCrc32();

       * Get the header with the save restore specific information
      final ByteBuffer lengthBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(8);
      while (lengthBuffer.hasRemaining()) {
        final int read =;
        if (read == -1) {
          throw new EOFException();
      final int originalCRC = lengthBuffer.getInt();
      int length = lengthBuffer.getInt();
      crc.update(lengthBuffer.array(), 4, 4);
      secondCRC.update(lengthBuffer.array(), 4, 4);

      if (length < 0) {
        throw new IOException("Corrupted save file has negative header length");

      if (length > 2097152) {
        throw new IOException("Corrupted save file has unreasonable header length > 2 megs");

      final ByteBuffer saveRestoreHeader = ByteBuffer.allocate(length);
      while (saveRestoreHeader.hasRemaining()) {
        final int read =;
        if (read == -1 || read < length) {
          throw new EOFException();
      secondCRC.update(new byte[] {1});
      secondCRC.update(saveRestoreHeader.array(), 1, saveRestoreHeader.array().length - 1);

       *  Get the template for the VoltTable serialization header.
       *  It will have an extra length value preceded to it so that
       *  it can be sucked straight into a buffer. This will not
       *  contain a row count since that varies from chunk to chunk
       *  and is supplied by the chunk
       * Why this stupidity and no while loop?
       * Because java is broken and complains about a random final
       * elsewhere if you do.
        final int read =;
        if (read == -1) {
          throw new EOFException();
      crc.update(lengthBuffer.array(), 0, 4);
      secondCRC.update(lengthBuffer.array(), 0, 4);
      length = lengthBuffer.getInt();

      if (length < 4) {
        throw new IOException(
            "Corrupted save file has negative length or too small length for VoltTable header");

      if (length > 2097152) {
        throw new IOException(
            "Corrupted save file has unreasonable VoltTable header length > 2 megs");

      m_tableHeader = ByteBuffer.allocate(length + 4);
      while (m_tableHeader.hasRemaining()) {
        final int read =;
        if (read == -1) {
          throw new EOFException();
      crc.update(m_tableHeader.array(), 4, length);
      secondCRC.update(m_tableHeader.array(), 4, length);

      boolean failedCRCDueToNotCompleted = false;

      final int actualCRC = (int) crc.getValue();
      if (originalCRC != actualCRC) {
         * Check if the CRC mismatch is due to the snapshot not being completed
        final int secondCRCValue = (int) secondCRC.getValue();
        if (secondCRCValue == originalCRC) {
          failedCRCDueToNotCompleted = true;
        } else {
          throw new IOException("Checksum mismatch");

      FastDeserializer fd = new FastDeserializer(saveRestoreHeader);
      byte completedByte = fd.readByte();
      m_completed = failedCRCDueToNotCompleted ? false : (completedByte == 1 ? true : false);
      for (int ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++) {
        m_versionNum[ii] = fd.readInt();

       * Support the original pre 1.3 header format as well as a new JSON format.
       * JSON will make it possible to add info to a snapshot header without
       * breaking backwards compatibility.
      if (m_versionNum[3] == 0) {
        m_txnId = fd.readLong();
        m_timestamp = TransactionIdManager.getTimestampFromTransactionId(m_txnId);
        m_hostId = fd.readInt();
        m_hostname = fd.readString();
        m_clusterName = fd.readString();
        m_databaseName = fd.readString();
        m_tableName = fd.readString();
        m_isReplicated = fd.readBoolean();
        m_isCompressed = false;
        m_checksumType = ChecksumType.CRC32;
        if (!m_isReplicated) {
          m_partitionIds = (int[]) fd.readArray(int.class);
          if (!m_completed) {
            for (Integer partitionId : m_partitionIds) {
          m_totalPartitions = fd.readInt();
        } else {
          m_partitionIds = new int[] {0};
          m_totalPartitions = 1;
          if (!m_completed) {
        m_hasVersion2FormatChunks = false;
      } else {
        assert (m_versionNum[3] == 1 || m_versionNum[3] == 2);
        if (m_versionNum[3] >= 2) {
          m_hasVersion2FormatChunks = true;
        } else {
          m_hasVersion2FormatChunks = false;
        int numJSONBytes = fd.readInt();
        byte jsonBytes[] = new byte[numJSONBytes];
        String jsonString = new String(jsonBytes, "UTF-8");
        JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(jsonString);

        m_txnId = obj.getLong("txnId");
        // Timestamp field added for 3.0, might not be there
        if (obj.has("timestamp")) {
          m_timestamp = obj.getLong("timestamp");
        } else {
          // Pre 3.0/IV2 the timestamp was in the transactionid
          m_timestamp = TransactionIdManager.getTimestampFromTransactionId(m_txnId);
        m_hostId = obj.getInt("hostId");
        m_hostname = obj.getString("hostname");
        m_clusterName = obj.getString("clusterName");
        m_databaseName = obj.getString("databaseName");
        m_tableName = obj.getString("tableName");
        m_isReplicated = obj.getBoolean("isReplicated");
        m_isCompressed = obj.optBoolean("isCompressed", false);
        m_checksumType = ChecksumType.valueOf(obj.optString("checksumType", "CRC32"));
        if (!m_isReplicated) {
          JSONArray partitionIds = obj.getJSONArray("partitionIds");
          m_partitionIds = new int[partitionIds.length()];
          for (int ii = 0; ii < m_partitionIds.length; ii++) {
            m_partitionIds[ii] = partitionIds.getInt(ii);

          if (!m_completed) {
            for (Integer partitionId : m_partitionIds) {
          m_totalPartitions = obj.getInt("numPartitions");
        } else {
          m_partitionIds = new int[] {0};
          m_totalPartitions = 1;
          if (!m_completed) {
       * Several runtime exceptions can be thrown in valid failure cases where
       * a corrupt save file is being detected.
    } catch (BufferUnderflowException e) {
      throw new IOException(e);
    } catch (BufferOverflowException e) {
      throw new IOException(e);
    } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
      throw new IOException(e);
    } catch (JSONException e) {
      throw new IOException(e);