public static String getImportText(
     Set<String> packages, Map<Declaration, String> imports, String delim) {
   StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
   for (String p : packages) {
     if (p.isEmpty()) {
       // can't import from default package
     sb.append("import ").append(p).append(" {").append(delim);
     boolean first = true;
     for (Map.Entry<Declaration, String> e : imports.entrySet()) {
       Declaration d = e.getKey();
       String pn = d.getUnit().getPackage().getQualifiedNameString();
       if (pn.equals(p)) {
         if (!first) {
         String name = d.getName();
         String alias = e.getValue();
         if (!name.equals(alias)) {
         first = false;
   return sb.toString();
 private boolean isSharedDeclarationUninitialized() {
   return (declaration.isShared() || declaration.getOtherInstanceAccess())
       && !declaration.isFormal()
       && !isNativeHeader(declaration)
       && !isLate()
       && !specified.definitely;
 public void visit(Tree.BaseMemberOrTypeExpression that) {
   Declaration d = that.getDeclaration();
   if (d != null && d.equals(dec)) {
     detected = true;
  public void visit(Tree.ClassBody that) {
    if (that.getScope() == declaration.getContainer()) {
      Tree.Statement les = getLastExecutableStatement(that);
      Tree.Declaration lc = getLastConstructor(that);
      declarationSection = les == null;
      lastExecutableStatement = les;
      lastConstructor = lc;
      declarationSection = false;
      lastExecutableStatement = null;
      lastConstructor = null;

      if (!declaration.isAnonymous()) {
        if (isSharedDeclarationUninitialized()) {
                  "must be definitely specified by class initializer: "
                      + message(declaration)
                      + " is shared",
    } else {
 public RefactoringStatus checkFinalConditions(IProgressMonitor pm)
     throws CoreException, OperationCanceledException {
   if (!newName.matches("^[a-zA-Z_]\\w*$")) {
     return createErrorStatus("Not a legal Ceylon identifier");
   } else if (escaping_.get_().isKeyword(newName)) {
     return createErrorStatus("'" + newName + "' is a Ceylon keyword");
   } else {
     int ch = newName.codePointAt(0);
     if (declaration instanceof TypedDeclaration) {
       if (!Character.isLowerCase(ch) && ch != '_') {
         return createErrorStatus("Not an initial lowercase identifier");
     } else if (declaration instanceof TypeDeclaration) {
       if (!Character.isUpperCase(ch)) {
         return createErrorStatus("Not an initial uppercase identifier");
   Declaration existing =
           .getMemberOrParameter(declaration.getUnit(), newName, null, false);
   if (null != existing && !existing.equals(declaration)) {
     return createWarningStatus(
         "An existing declaration named '" + newName + "' already exists in the same scope");
   return new RefactoringStatus();
 Declaration getDisplayedDeclaration(CeylonHierarchyNode node) {
   Declaration declaration = node.getDeclaration();
   if (declaration != null && isShowingRefinements() && declaration.isClassOrInterfaceMember()) {
     declaration = (ClassOrInterface) declaration.getContainer();
   return declaration;
 private void addRemoval(Tree.Identifier id, Declaration d) {
   if (id != null
       && d != null
       && dec.equals(getAbstraction(d))
       && id.getText().equals(aid.getText())) {
     change.addEdit(new ReplaceEdit(id.getStartIndex(), id.getDistance(), dec.getName()));
 public void visit(Tree.InitializerParameter that) {
   Declaration d = that.getParameterModel().getModel();
   if (d != null && d.equals(dec)) {
     result = that.getSpecifierExpression();
 static String getDescription(Declaration dec) {
   String desc = "'" + dec.getName() + "'";
   Scope container = dec.getContainer();
   if (container instanceof TypeDeclaration) {
     TypeDeclaration td = (TypeDeclaration) container;
     desc += " in '" + td.getName() + "'";
   return desc;
Beispiel #10
 private boolean hidesToplevel(Declaration dec) {
   for (Declaration d : unit.getDeclarations()) {
     String n = d.getName();
     if (d.isToplevel() && n != null && dec.getName().equals(n)) {
       return true;
   return false;
 public static boolean canMoveDeclaration(CeylonEditor editor) {
   Node node = editor.getSelectedNode();
   if (node instanceof Tree.Declaration) {
     Declaration d = ((Tree.Declaration) node).getDeclarationModel();
     return d != null && d.isToplevel();
   } else {
     return false;
 public Object[] getChildren(Object element) {
   if (element instanceof CeylonOutlineNode) {
     if (mode) {
       boolean includeParameters = !CeylonPlugin.getPreferences().getBoolean(PARAMS_IN_OUTLINES);
       CeylonOutlineNode node = (CeylonOutlineNode) element;
       CompilationUnit rootNode = getEditor().getParseController().getLastCompilationUnit();
       Node treeNode = Nodes.findNode(rootNode, node.getStartOffset(), node.getEndOffset());
       TypeDeclaration td;
       if (treeNode instanceof ClassOrInterface) {
         ClassOrInterface ci = (ClassOrInterface) treeNode;
         td = ci.getDeclarationModel();
       } else if (treeNode instanceof ObjectDefinition) {
         ObjectDefinition od = (ObjectDefinition) treeNode;
         td = od.getDeclarationModel().getTypeDeclaration();
       } else {
         return super.getChildren(element);
       List<Declaration> list = new ArrayList<Declaration>();
       String filter = getFilterText().getText();
       for (int i = 0; i < filter.length(); i++) {
         char ch = filter.charAt(i);
         if (ch == '*' || i > 0 && Character.isUpperCase(ch)) {
           filter = filter.substring(0, i);
       Collection<DeclarationWithProximity> members =
           td.getMatchingMemberDeclarations(rootNode.getUnit(), td, filter, 0, null).values();
       for (DeclarationWithProximity dwp : members) {
         for (Declaration dec : overloads(dwp.getDeclaration())) {
           if (!(dec instanceof TypeParameter)) {
             if (includeParameters || !dec.isParameter()) {
       if (!lexicalSortingAction.isChecked()) {
             new Comparator<Declaration>() {
               public int compare(Declaration x, Declaration y) {
                 String xn = x.getContainer().getQualifiedNameString();
                 String yn = y.getContainer().getQualifiedNameString();
                 return xn.compareTo(yn);
       return list.toArray();
     } else {
       return super.getChildren(element);
   } else {
     return null;
 public void visit(Tree.DocLink that) {
   // TODO: copy/paste from EnterAliasRefactoring
   Declaration base = that.getBase();
   if (base != null && dec.equals(base)) {
     Region region = DocLinks.nameRegion(that, 0);
     change.addEdit(new ReplaceEdit(region.getOffset(), region.getLength(), dec.getName()));
Beispiel #14
 private void importAllMembers(
     TypeDeclaration importedType, Set<String> ignoredMembers, ImportList til) {
   for (Declaration dec : importedType.getMembers()) {
     if (dec.isShared()
         && (dec.isStaticallyImportable() || isConstructor(dec))
         && isResolvable(dec)
         && !ignoredMembers.contains(dec.getName())) {
       addWildcardImport(til, dec, importedType);
Beispiel #15
 private void importAllMembers(
     Package importedPackage, Set<String> ignoredMembers, ImportList il) {
   for (Declaration dec : importedPackage.getMembers()) {
     if (dec.isShared()
         && isResolvable(dec)
         && !ignoredMembers.contains(dec.getName())
         && !isNonimportable(importedPackage, dec.getName())) {
       addWildcardImport(il, dec);
Beispiel #16
 private void checkAliasCase(Tree.Alias alias, Declaration d) {
   if (alias != null) {
     Tree.Identifier id = alias.getIdentifier();
     int tt = id.getToken().getType();
     if (d instanceof TypeDeclaration && tt != CeylonLexer.UIDENTIFIER) {
       id.addError("imported type should have uppercase alias: '" + d.getName() + "'");
     } else if (d instanceof TypedDeclaration && tt != CeylonLexer.LIDENTIFIER) {
       id.addError("imported member should have lowercase alias: '" + d.getName() + "'");
 public boolean select(Viewer viewer, Object parentElement, Object element) {
   if (element instanceof CeylonOutlineNode) {
     CeylonOutlineNode node = (CeylonOutlineNode) element;
     return node.isShared();
   } else if (element instanceof Declaration) {
     Declaration dec = (Declaration) element;
     return dec.isShared();
   } else {
     return true;
 public static boolean removeImport(
     String originalPackage,
     final Declaration dec,
     Tree.CompilationUnit cu,
     TextChange tc,
     Set<String> packages) {
   boolean foundOriginal = false;
   Tree.ImportList il = cu.getImportList();
   for (Tree.Import imp : il.getImports()) {
     Referenceable model = imp.getImportPath().getModel();
     if (model != null) {
       if (model.getNameAsString().equals(originalPackage)) {
         Tree.ImportMemberOrTypeList imtl = imp.getImportMemberOrTypeList();
         if (imtl != null) {
           List<ImportMemberOrType> imts = imtl.getImportMemberOrTypes();
           for (int j = 0; j < imts.size(); j++) {
             Tree.ImportMemberOrType imt = imts.get(j);
             Declaration d = imt.getDeclarationModel();
             if (d != null && d.equals(dec)) {
               int offset;
               int length;
               if (j > 0) {
                 offset = getNodeEndOffset(imts.get(j - 1));
                 length = getNodeEndOffset(imt) - offset;
               } else if (j < imts.size() - 1) {
                 offset = getNodeStartOffset(imt);
                 length = getNodeStartOffset(imts.get(j + 1)) - offset;
               } else {
                 if (packages.contains(originalPackage)) {
                   // we're adding to this import statement,
                   // so don't delete the whole import
                   offset = getNodeStartOffset(imt);
                   length = getNodeLength(imt);
                 } else {
                   offset = getNodeStartOffset(imp);
                   length = getNodeLength(imp);
               tc.addEdit(new DeleteEdit(offset, length));
               foundOriginal = true;
               // TODO: return the alias!
   return foundOriginal;
 public static boolean isUnsharedUsedLocally(
     Tree.Declaration node, IFile originalFile, String originalPackage, String targetPackage) {
   Declaration dec = node.getDeclarationModel();
   if (!dec.isShared() && !originalPackage.equals(targetPackage)) {
     for (PhasedUnit pu : getAllUnits(originalFile.getProject())) {
       Tree.CompilationUnit cu = pu.getCompilationUnit();
       String pn = cu.getUnit().getPackage().getNameAsString();
       if (pn.equals(originalPackage) && isUsedInUnit(cu, dec)) {
         return true;
   return false;
Beispiel #20
 private String importMember(
     Tree.ImportMemberOrType member, Package importedPackage, ImportList il) {
   Tree.Identifier id = member.getIdentifier();
   if (id == null) {
     return null;
   Import i = new Import();
   Tree.Alias alias = member.getAlias();
   String name = name(id);
   if (alias == null) {
   } else {
   if (isNonimportable(importedPackage, name)) {
     id.addError("root type may not be imported");
     return name;
   Declaration d = importedPackage.getMember(name, null, false);
   if (d == null) {
     String correction = correct(importedPackage, unit, name);
     String message = correction == null ? "" : " (did you mean '" + correction + "'?)";
     id.addError("imported declaration not found: '" + name + "'" + message, 100);
   } else {
     if (!declaredInPackage(d, unit)) {
       if (!d.isShared()) {
         id.addError("imported declaration is not shared: '" + name + "'", 400);
       } else if (d.isPackageVisibility()) {
         id.addError("imported package private declaration is not visible: '" + name + "'");
       } else if (d.isProtectedVisibility()) {
         id.addError("imported protected declaration is not visible: '" + name + "'");
     if (il.hasImport(d)) {
       id.addError("already imported: '" + name + "'");
     } else if (!checkForHiddenToplevel(id, i, alias)) {
       addImport(member, il, i);
     checkAliasCase(alias, d);
   if (d != null) {
     importMembers(member, d);
   return name;
 public IHyperlink[] detectHyperlinks(
     ITextViewer textViewer, IRegion region, boolean canShowMultipleHyperlinks) {
   if (controller == null || controller.getLastCompilationUnit() == null) {
     return null;
   } else {
     Node node =
             region.getOffset() + region.getLength());
     if (node == null) {
       return null;
     } else {
       Node id = getIdentifyingNode(node);
       if (id == null) {
         return null;
       } else {
         Referenceable referenceable = getReferencedModel(node);
         Backends supportedBackends = supportedBackends();
         if (referenceable instanceof Declaration) {
           Declaration dec = (Declaration) referenceable;
           if (dec.isNative()) {
             if (supportedBackends.none()) {
               return null;
             } else {
               referenceable = resolveNative(referenceable, dec, supportedBackends);
           } else {
             if (!supportedBackends.none()) {
               return null;
         } else { // Module or package descriptors
           if (!supportedBackends.none()) {
             return null;
         Node r = getReferencedNode(referenceable);
         if (r == null) {
           return null;
         } else {
           return new IHyperlink[] {new CeylonNodeLink(r, id)};
 public void visit(Tree.DocLink that) {
   Declaration base = that.getBase();
   if (base != null) {
     if (base.equals(declaration)) {
     } else {
       List<Declaration> qualified = that.getQualified();
       if (qualified != null) {
         if (qualified.contains(declaration)) {
 public boolean getEnabled() {
   return declaration instanceof Declaration
       && declaration.getName() != null
       && project != null
       && (inSameProject(declaration) || inSameUnit());
 protected boolean isReference(Declaration ref) {
   return super.isReference(ref)
       // include refinements of the selected
       // declaration that we're renaming
       ref != null && ref.refines((Declaration) getDeclaration());
 private void checkVariable(Tree.Term term, Node node) {
   if (isEffectivelyBaseMemberExpression(term)) { // Note: other cases handled in ExpressionVisitor
     Tree.StaticMemberOrTypeExpression mte = (Tree.StaticMemberOrTypeExpression) term;
     Declaration member = mte.getDeclaration();
     if (member == declaration) {
       if ((declaration.isFormal() || declaration.isDefault()) && !isForwardReferenceable()) {
             "member is formal or default and may not be assigned here: '"
                 + member.getName()
                 + "'");
       } else if (!isVariable() && !isLate()) {
         if (member instanceof Value) {
           if (node instanceof Tree.AssignOp) {
                 "value is not a variable and may not be assigned here: '"
                     + member.getName()
                     + "'",
           } else {
             term.addError("value is not a variable: '" + member.getName() + "'", 800);
         } else {
           term.addError("not a variable value: '" + member.getName() + "'");
Beispiel #26
 private void addWildcardImport(ImportList il, Declaration dec) {
   if (!hidesToplevel(dec)) {
     Import i = new Import();
     addWildcardImport(il, dec, i);
 private void renameSourceFile(CompositeChange change) {
   String unitPath = declaration.getUnit().getFullPath();
   IPath oldPath = project.getFullPath().append(unitPath);
   String newFileName = getNewName() + ".ceylon";
   IPath newPath = oldPath.removeFirstSegments(1).removeLastSegments(1).append(newFileName);
   if (!project.getFile(newPath).exists()) {
     change.add(new RenameResourceChange(oldPath, newFileName));
 public RenameRefactoring(IEditorPart editor) {
   boolean identifiesDeclaration =
       node instanceof Tree.DocLink || getIdentifyingNode(node) instanceof Tree.Identifier;
   if (rootNode != null && identifiesDeclaration) {
     Referenceable refDec = getReferencedExplicitDeclaration(node, rootNode);
     if (refDec instanceof Declaration) {
       Declaration dec = (Declaration) refDec;
       declaration = dec.getRefinedDeclaration();
       newName = declaration.getName();
       String filename = declaration.getUnit().getFilename();
       renameFile = (declaration.getName() + ".ceylon").equals(filename);
     } else {
       declaration = null;
   } else {
     declaration = null;
 protected void renameIdentifier(TextChange tfc, Tree.Identifier id, Tree.CompilationUnit root) {
   String name = declaration.getName();
   int loc = id.getText().indexOf(name);
   int start = id.getStartIndex();
   int len = id.getDistance();
   if (loc > 0) {
     tfc.addEdit(new ReplaceEdit(start + loc, name.length(), newName));
   } else {
     tfc.addEdit(new ReplaceEdit(start, len, escaping_.get_().toInitialLowercase(newName)));
  public String getDescriptiveName(@NotNull PsiElement element) {
    if (element instanceof CeylonPsi.AttributeDeclarationPsi) {
      return ((CeylonPsi.AttributeDeclarationPsi) element)
    } else if (element instanceof CeylonPsi.ClassOrInterfacePsi) {
      Tree.Declaration ceylonNode = ((CeylonPsi.ClassOrInterfacePsi) element).getCeylonNode();
      //            if (ceylonNode == null) {
      //                // perhaps a stub
      //                return ((CeylonPsi.ClassOrInterfacePsi) element).getQualifiedName();
      //            }
      Declaration model = ceylonNode.getDeclarationModel();
      return model == null ? ceylonNode.getIdentifier().getText() : model.getQualifiedNameString();
    } else if (element instanceof CeylonPsi.AnyMethodPsi) {
      Function model = ((CeylonPsi.AnyMethodPsi) element).getCeylonNode().getDeclarationModel();
      return model == null
          ? ((CeylonPsi.AnyMethodPsi) element).getCeylonNode().getIdentifier().getText()
          : model.getQualifiedNameString();
    } else if (element instanceof CeylonPsi.ParameterDeclarationPsi) {
      return ((CeylonPsi.ParameterDeclarationPsi) element)
    } else if (element instanceof CeylonPsi.TypeParameterDeclarationPsi) {
      return ((CeylonPsi.TypeParameterDeclarationPsi) element)
    } else if (element instanceof CeylonFile) {
      return ((CeylonFile) element).getName();
    } else if (element instanceof CeylonPsi.ObjectDefinitionPsi) {
      return ((CeylonPsi.ObjectDefinitionPsi) element).getCeylonNode().getIdentifier().getText();

    throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
        "Descriptive name not implemented for " + element.getClass());