Beispiel #1
 public static void autoTime() {
   String pattern = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss";
   SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(pattern);
   // Parse a sample date starting at position 0.
   Calendar testTime = Calendar.getInstance();
   String text = "2011-8-3 22:18:00";
   testTime.setTime(sdf.parse(text, new ParsePosition(0)));
   Calendar testTime1 = Calendar.getInstance();
   String text1 = "2011-8-3 22:19:00";
   testTime1.setTime(sdf.parse(text1, new ParsePosition(0)));
   long f = testTime.getTimeInMillis() - testTime1.getTimeInMillis();
   int inter = testTime.compareTo(testTime1);
   Date now = Calendar.getInstance().getTime();
   int year = now.getYear() + 1900;
   int month = now.getMonth() + 1;
   int day = now.getDate();
   int hour = now.getHours();
   int minute = now.getMinutes();
   int second = now.getSeconds();
Beispiel #2
 public void loghourlyData() {
   Date dt = new Date();
   String str = new String();
   fname = str.valueOf(1900 + dt.getYear());
   fname += str.valueOf(1 + dt.getMonth());
   fname += str.valueOf(dt.getDate());
   fname += str.valueOf(dt.getHours());
   fname += ".log";
   try {
     DataOutputStream logFile = new DataOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(fname));
     for (int count = 0; count < sd.noofSignal; count++) {
       for (int count1 = 0; count1 < sd.hourCount; count1++) {
   } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
     System.out.println("LogModule: File Not Found Error");
   } catch (IOException e) {
     System.out.println("LogModule: IO Error");
Beispiel #3
 public boolean write() {
   try {
     Properties configFile = new Properties();
     configFile.load(new FileInputStream(settingsFile));
     configFile.put("SMTP_Host", mSMTPHost);
     configFile.put("SMTP_Port", mSMTPPort);
     configFile.put("POP3_Host", mPOP3Host);
     configFile.put("POP3_Port", mPOP3Port);
     configFile.put("From", mFrom);
     configFile.put("Password", mPass);
     configFile.put("Name", mName);
     configFile.put("Mails_Location", mMailsLocation);
     configFile.put("Contacts_Location", mContactsLocation);
     // TODO : There are some wrong and deprecated usage of date formatting, fix it.
         Integer.toString(mLastUpdate.getYear() + 1900)
             + "/"
             + Integer.toString(mLastUpdate.getMonth())
             + "/"
             + Integer.toString(mLastUpdate.getDay())
             + "-"
             + Integer.toString(mLastUpdate.getHours())
             + "-"
             + Integer.toString(mLastUpdate.getMinutes())
             + "-"
             + Integer.toString(mLastUpdate.getSeconds()));
     FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(settingsFile);
     // TODO : There is a usage of ini save method that deprecated., "properties updated");
   } catch (Exception e) {
     System.out.println("Write Exception:" + e.getMessage());
     return false;
   return true;
   * Process the specified HTTP request, and create the corresponding HTTP response (or forward to
   * another web component that will create it). Return an <code>ActionForward</code> instance
   * describing where and how control should be forwarded, or <code>null</code> if the response has
   * already been completed.
   * @param mapping The ActionMapping used to select this instance
   * @param form The optional ActionForm bean for this request (if any)
   * @param request The HTTP request we are processing
   * @param response The HTTP response we are creating
   * @exception Exception if business logic throws an exception
  public ActionForward execute(
      ActionMapping mapping,
      ActionForm form,
      HttpServletRequest request,
      HttpServletResponse response)
      throws Exception {

    // Extract attributes we will need
    MessageResources messages = getResources(request);

    // save errors
    ActionMessages errors = new ActionMessages();

    // START check for login (security)
    if (!SecurityService.getInstance().checkForLogin(request.getSession(false))) {
      return (mapping.findForward("welcome"));
    // END check for login (security)

    // START get id of current project from either request, attribute, or cookie
    // id of project from request
    String projectId = null;
    projectId = request.getParameter("projectViewId");

    // check attribute in request
    if (projectId == null) {
      projectId = (String) request.getAttribute("projectViewId");

    // id of project from cookie
    if (projectId == null) {
      projectId = StandardCode.getInstance().getCookie("projectViewId", request.getCookies());

    // default project to last if not in request or cookie
    if (projectId == null) {
      java.util.List results = ProjectService.getInstance().getProjectList();

      ListIterator iterScroll = null;
      for (iterScroll = results.listIterator(); iterScroll.hasNext(); {}
      Project p = (Project);
      projectId = String.valueOf(p.getProjectId());

    Integer id = Integer.valueOf(projectId);

    // END get id of current project from either request, attribute, or cookie

    // get project
    Project p = ProjectService.getInstance().getSingleProject(id);

    // get user (project manager)
    User u =

    // START process pdf
    try {
      PdfReader reader = new PdfReader("C://templates/CL01_001.pdf"); // the template

      // save the pdf in memory
      ByteArrayOutputStream pdfStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

      // the filled-in pdf
      PdfStamper stamp = new PdfStamper(reader, pdfStream);

      // stamp.setEncryption(true, "pass", "pass", PdfWriter.AllowCopy | PdfWriter.AllowPrinting);
      AcroFields form1 = stamp.getAcroFields();
      Date cDate = new Date();
      Integer month = cDate.getMonth();
      Integer day = cDate.getDate();
      Integer year = cDate.getYear() + 1900;
      String[] monthName = {

      // set the field values in the pdf form
      // form1.setField("", projectId)
      form1.setField("currentdate", monthName[month] + " " + day + ", " + year);
          "firstname", StandardCode.getInstance().noNull(p.getContact().getFirst_name()));
      form1.setField("pm", p.getPm());
      form1.setField("emailpm", u.getWorkEmail1());
      if (u.getWorkPhoneEx() != null && u.getWorkPhoneEx().length() > 0) { // ext present
                + " ext "
                + StandardCode.getInstance().noNull(u.getWorkPhoneEx()));
      } else { // no ext present
        form1.setField("phonepm", StandardCode.getInstance().noNull(u.getWorkPhone()));
      form1.setField("faxpm", StandardCode.getInstance().noNull(u.getLocation().getFax_number()));
      form1.setField("postalpm", StandardCode.getInstance().printLocation(u.getLocation()));

      // START add images
      //                if(u.getPicture() != null && u.getPicture().length() > 0) {
      //                    PdfContentByte over;
      //                    Image img = Image.getInstance("C:/Program Files (x86)/Apache Software
      // Foundation/Tomcat 7.0/webapps/logo/images/" + u.getPicture());
      //                    img.setAbsolutePosition(200, 200);
      //                    over = stamp.getOverContent(1);
      //                    over.addImage(img, 54, 0,0, 65, 47, 493);
      //                }
      // END add images
      form1.setField("productname", StandardCode.getInstance().noNull(p.getProduct()));
      form1.setField("project", p.getNumber() + p.getCompany().getCompany_code());
      form1.setField("description", StandardCode.getInstance().noNull(p.getProductDescription()));
      form1.setField("additional", p.getProjectRequirements());

      // get sources and targets
      StringBuffer sources = new StringBuffer("");
      StringBuffer targets = new StringBuffer("");
      if (p.getSourceDocs() != null) {
        for (Iterator iterSource = p.getSourceDocs().iterator(); iterSource.hasNext(); ) {
          SourceDoc sd = (SourceDoc);
          sources.append(sd.getLanguage() + " ");
          if (sd.getTargetDocs() != null) {
            for (Iterator iterTarget = sd.getTargetDocs().iterator(); iterTarget.hasNext(); ) {
              TargetDoc td = (TargetDoc);
              if (!td.getLanguage().equals("All")) targets.append(td.getLanguage() + " ");

      form1.setField("source", sources.toString());
      form1.setField("target", targets.toString());
          (p.getStartDate() != null)
              ? DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT).format(p.getStartDate())
              : "");
          (p.getDueDate() != null)
              ? DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.SHORT).format(p.getDueDate())
              : "");

      if (p.getCompany().getCcurrency().equalsIgnoreCase("USD")) {

            (p.getProjectAmount() != null)
                ? "$ " + StandardCode.getInstance().formatDouble(p.getProjectAmount())
                : "");
      } else {
            (p.getProjectAmount() != null)
                ? "€ "
                    + StandardCode.getInstance()
                        .formatDouble(p.getProjectAmount() / p.getEuroToUsdExchangeRate())
                : "");
      // stamp.setFormFlattening(true);

      // write to client (web browser)

          "attachment; filename="
              + p.getNumber()
              + p.getCompany().getCompany_code()
              + "-Order-Confirmation"
              + ".pdf");

      OutputStream os = response.getOutputStream();
    } catch (Exception e) {
      System.err.println("PDF Exception:" + e.getMessage());
      throw new RuntimeException(e);
    // END process pdf

    // Forward control to the specified success URI
    return (mapping.findForward("Success"));
  public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
      throws ServletException, IOException {
    try {
      address = PAConfiguration.getAddress();
      port = PAConfiguration.getPort(instantiation);
      poslAddress = PAConfiguration.getPOSL(instantiation, topic);
      rdfAddress = PAConfiguration.getRDFTaxonomy(instantiation);
      messageEndpoint = PAConfiguration.getEndpointName(instantiation, topic);
    } catch (BadConfigurationException e) {
    response.setContentType("text/html; charset=UTF-8");
    PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();

    try {
      System.out.println("5 Publicty Chair Servlet");

      BufferedReader brd = request.getReader();

      String input = "";
      String message = "";

      while (!input.equals("</RuleML>")) {

        input = brd.readLine();

        message = message + input;
      String[] varOrder = getVariableOrder(message);
      System.out.println("Received Message: " + message);

      //	BackwardReasoner br = new BackwardReasoner();
      //   Iterator solit =null;
      //   DefiniteClause dc = null;
      //   SymbolTable.reset();

      POSLParser pp = new POSLParser();
      // String contents = "c(a).\nc(b).\nc(c).";

      Date t1 = new GregorianCalendar().getTime();
      System.out.println(t1.getHours() + ":" + t1.getMinutes());
      // append time to contents

      System.out.println("day: " + t1.getDay());
      System.out.println("day: " + t1.getYear());
      System.out.println("day: " + t1.getMonth());

      // time
      String time = "time(" + t1.getHours() + ":integer).";

      String url = poslAddress;

      // String url = "";
      String contents = "";

      // day of the week
      int day = t1.getDay();
      boolean weekday = true;

      if (day == 0 || day == 6) {
        weekday = false;

      String dayOfWeek;

      if (weekday) {
        dayOfWeek = "day(weekday).";
      } else {
        dayOfWeek = "day(weekend).";
      // full date
      Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar();

      int year = cal.get(Calendar.YEAR);
      int month = cal.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1;
      int day2 = cal.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH);

      String date;

      String day3 = "" + day2;

      if (day2 == 1 || day2 == 2 || day2 == 3 || day2 == 4 || day2 == 5 || day2 == 6 || day2 == 7
          || day2 == 8 || day2 == 9) {

        day3 = "0" + day2;

      if (month == 10 || month == 11 || month == 12) date = "" + year + month + day3;
      else date = "" + year + "0" + month + day3;

      date = "date(" + date + ":integer).";


      String url2 = rdfAddress;
      HttpClient client2 = new HttpClient();
      GetMethod method2 = new GetMethod(url2);
      String typestr = "";
      // Execute the GET method
      int statusCode2 = client2.executeMethod(method2);
      if (statusCode2 != -1) {
        typestr = method2.getResponseBodyAsString();
      System.out.println("Types: " + typestr);

      try {
        HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
        GetMethod method = new GetMethod(url);

        // Execute the GET method
        int statusCode = client.executeMethod(method);
        if (statusCode != -1) {
          contents = method.getResponseBodyAsString();
      } catch (Exception e) {
      contents = contents + "\n" + time;
      contents = contents + "\n" + dayOfWeek;
      contents = contents + "\n" + date;

      BackwardReasoner br = new BackwardReasoner();
      Iterator solit = null;
      DefiniteClause dc = null;


      Iterator it = pp.iterator();
      while (it.hasNext()) {
        DefiniteClause d = (DefiniteClause);
        System.out.println("Loaded clause: " + d.toPOSLString());

      br = new BackwardReasoner(br.clauses, br.oids);

      MessageParser m = new MessageParser(message);
      Element atom = null;

      try {

        atom = m.parseForContent();

      } catch (Exception e) {

        System.out.println("Invalid Message");
        // out.flush();


      QueryBuilder q = new QueryBuilder(atom);
      String query = q.generateDoc();
      System.out.println("ABOUT TO INPUT THIS QUERY:" + query);
      RuleMLParser qp = new RuleMLParser();

      try {

        dc = qp.parseRuleMLQuery(query);

      } catch (Exception e) {
        System.out.println("Invalid Query");
        // out.flush();

      // solit = br.iterativeDepthFirstSolutionIterator(dc);

      solit = br.iterativeDepthFirstSolutionIterator(dc);

      int varSize = 0;

      while (solit.hasNext()) {

        Vector data = new Vector();

        BackwardReasoner.GoalList gl = (BackwardReasoner.GoalList);

        Hashtable varbind = gl.varBindings;
        javax.swing.tree.DefaultMutableTreeNode root = br.toTree();

        javax.swing.tree.DefaultTreeModel dtm = new DefaultTreeModel(root);

        int i = 0;
        Object[][] rowdata = new Object[varbind.size()][2];
        varSize = varbind.size();

        Enumeration e = varbind.keys();
        while (e.hasMoreElements()) {
          Object k = e.nextElement();
          Object val = varbind.get(k);
          String ks = (String) k;
          rowdata[i][0] = ks;
          rowdata[i][1] = val;

        String[] messages = new String[data.size()];
        MessageGenerator g =
            new MessageGenerator(
                data, varSize, messageEndpoint, m.getId(), m.getProtocol(), m.getRel(), varOrder);
        messages = g.Messages2();

        String appender = "";

        URL sender = new URL(address + ":" + port);
        HttpMessage msg = new HttpMessage(sender);
        Properties props = new Properties();

        for (int i1 = 0; i1 < data.size(); i1++) {
          System.out.println(i1 + ")" + messages[i1].toString());
          props.put("text", messages[i1].toString());
          InputStream in = msg.sendGetMessage(props);
        System.out.println("NEXT MESSAGE");

      MessageGenerator g =
          new MessageGenerator(
              null, varSize, messageEndpoint, m.getId(), m.getProtocol(), m.getRel());

      URL sender = new URL(address + ":" + port);
      HttpMessage msg = new HttpMessage(sender);
      Properties props = new Properties();

      String finalMessage = g.finalMessage(query);


      props.put("text", finalMessage);
      InputStream in = msg.sendGetMessage(props);


    } catch (Exception e) {
      System.out.println("ERROR has occured : " + e.toString());